Set in the not-too-distant future (the year 2044,) Cline's dystopian yet hopeful tale is a fun, thought-provoking and clever story.
Orphaned high school senior Wade Watts lives in the "stacks" - giant stacks of trailers piled on top of one another - with his aunt and several others just outside of Oklahoma City. In an effort to escape his bleak reality, he spends his days logged into the virtual world, "OASIS," where he has created an alternative identity and also where he attends school. When not attending his online classes or hanging out in a chat room with his best friend, he devotes his time to pursuing the ultimate gaming challenge - OASIS creator James Halliday's complex multi-layered puzzle, the winner of which will receive Halliday's fortune.
When Wade solves the first puzzle, he (or his avatar, Parzival,) is suddenly thrust into the limelight, triggering untold fame and infamy, as he becomes the main target for the evil corporation, IOI, who employ thousands in the hopes of solving the puzzle (and gaining the fortune and power) first. The floodgates are then open, as Wade's best friend, online crush, and brothers from Japan also solve the first puzzle, soon to be followed by the IOI bots (i.e. "Sixers.") It isn't long before the Sixers have the advantage, and are the closest to solving the final puzzle.
Can Wade and his friends outsmart and defeat the Sixers? Or will they all go down in fiery defeat? Will Wade ever be able to function in reality, instead of just online?
Cline's love of pop culture shines through in this endearingly geeky homage to the 1980's. There are so many layers to this story, it has the potential to appeal to a wide audience. Rumors indicate that a movie is already in the works!